BMI Calculator

A free tool to calculate BMI
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BMI Calculator Results Will Appear Here

00.00 Under weight
00.00 Healthy
00.00 Overweight
Obese 00.00


Under Weight BMI Range: <18.5

Maintenance of a healthy weight is important for numerous different reasons. One of the prime reasons is your health. Obviously, a person who is underweight must not be getting all the essential nutrients in their diets or moreover, not a proper diet even.
Maintain your BMI by proper diet plans. Check Articles Below


Healthy Weight BMI Range: 18.5 — 24.9

Great! Your BMI value is in healthy range. A person having BMI value in healthy range had minimum chances of getting weight related diseases. Maintenance of a healthy weight is important for numerous different reasons. One of the prime reasons is your health.


Over Weight BMI Range: 25.0 — 29.9

Being slightly overweight and obese are two different terms. When a person exceeds the healthy weight range by a huge number, the condition is referred to as obese. Over-Weight is accompanied by many health problems. Some of which, have been listed below.
Cardiovascular diseases, High blood pressure and cholesterol, Certain cancers, Certain stones, etc.


Over Weight BMI Range: 30 >

Obesity is one of the biggest health danger to a person. Obesity, does not only cause physical unfitness and illnesses, but also mental sickness. Obesity is accompanied by many health problems. E-G:
Cardiovascular diseases, High blood pressure and cholesterol, Certain cancers, Certain stones, etc.
Maintain your BMI by proper diet plans. Check Articles Below

BMI Calculator For Men & Women

The term BMI (Body Mass Index) is a term used mostly by health experts. The BMI calculator calculate a value on the basis of height and weight.

What is BMI?

BMI is calculated for any One on the basis of weight and height. In other words,we can say this is the amount of fat in the human body. Higher BMI tends higher risks. If you are above average then you must try to exercise. To start with, to keep a check on what you are eating. Make body mass index chart  or BMI table for the better evaluation.

How Body Mass Index calculator Works?

This calculator is base on simple mathematic calculation. Calculation is started by selecting Metric or Standard units.When you enter your details it will show an scale.

The scale will indicate similar 4 readings:


Your weight is less than a normal or standerd weight. You have to try with some good healthy products to gain weight.


Your weight is equal of your ideal body weight. You are fine!. Keep maintain it.


Your weight is more than a normal weight. Try to start exercise and loose faaty weight. Keep in mind that this is very dangerous for your health.


The increase in body weight is greater than of your ideal body weight. Start doing yoga.

BMI for women is not much different than the men. Calculations may vary a bit with the factor of age, and gender.

This BMI chart is follow standerd as per BMI calculator.

How BMI Calculator For Men Works?

As BMI is dependent on age, height, and also on the gender. So BMI for each age group or for any gender is different. In male, because of their longer heights, the ideal bmi for men is greater than in female. However, the formula for the calculation of body mass index for men is weight(kg)/ (height)x(height). However, height must be the standard unit (metre).

How BMI Calculator For Women (Female) Works?

The BMI formula used to calculate ideal bmi for women is, weight/square of height. The return value is then compared with the standard BMI for women. Well,if you follow some ideal diet chart, you will get normal BMI.

bmi calculator in kgs?

You can use this bmi calculator in kGs too. To use bmi calculator in Kgs, follow these simple steps.
1. In weight section click on lbs.
2. Now there will be some options.
3. Select Kgs to calculate bmi in kgs.
4. Now when you enter your details here, it will calculate your details in kgs.

BMI Calculator For Child

The BMI formula used to calculate ideal bmi for child is, weight/square of height. The return value is then compared with the standard BMI for child. well, this calculator provides body mass index (BMI) and the corresponding BMI-for-age percentile based on CDC growth charts for children ages 2 through 19 years. Because of possible rounding errors in age, weight, and height, the results from this calculator may differ slightly from BMI-for-age percentiles calculated by other programs. best and top flying academies in the world aviation academy usa for international flight students from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, Colombia, Brazil, Asia and Europe

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Garima Agarwal | 28/01/2020

Amazing tool to calculate BMI, It make my work easy

Anuradha | 26/01/2020

One of my favourite website. Thansk for this tool,

Rakesh | 21/10/2019

This calculator made my life easy.

Avneet | 04/05/2019

Very useful and accurate.

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BMI Calculator

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