Desirulez: Non stop desi entertainment, download HD movies and shows

Desirulez : Non stop desi entertainment website where you can download latest leaked movies online.

On this website you will be able to download latest movies, TV shows . You can refer Moviesflix for same.

On DesiRulez, you can download TV shows US TV shows and international movies also.

Desirulez: Non stop desi entertainment, download HD movies and shows 2
Movies download

Due to these types of websites like the DesiRulez , Khatrimazafull  org, Indian entertainment  industry take billions of dollars loss every year . so respected government taking legal actions on this website every time.

 DesiRulez other websites:-

  • DesiRulez .cc
  • DesiRulez.dr

How DesiRulez make money ????:

Desirulez: Non stop desi entertainment, download HD movies and shows 3
Desirulez website revenue

Desirulez: Non stop desi entertainment, download HD movies and shows 4

Desirulez: Non stop desi entertainment, download HD movies and shows 5

Desirulez: Non stop desi entertainment, download HD movies and shows 6
Alexa Rank Report

From Above report we can understand how much money these people takes.

All these reports are of a single domain. They have more then 10 domains.

These websites have advertisements from some websites . When you visit on this website you see an ad and they will get paid for that.

Normally these type of sites containing popads and popads automatically open when you visit on this website so there is no need of your reaction to show ads to you.

Is DesiRulez Doing Right:

No ,this type of website are legally distributing content that is not belonging to them and this is illegal in every country in the world.

It’s very simple that you are taking fruit of someone’s hard work.

Is Downloading Movies From DesiRulez illegal :

Downloading movies from DesiRulez is purely illegal.

If you are doing such things then be safe from your respective government because they can call you anytime.

Read Piracy Act 2012

Note. This website or its affiliates not belonging to us. We are not promoting piracy.

This article is written for information purpose.