Time management
What is time management ?
Honestly It is very tough question, In present time everyone have a busy life. People and students aren’t able to manage their time effectively. Everybody has 24 hour in their life but some people get success and some live whole life same, it depend that how they use their time. Every people sleep 8 hours and every people do 8 hours job but they do not know about remaining 8 hours, where they spent this time. We should use our 24 hour in better way.

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“Ordinary people think merely of spending time. Great people think of using it.”
Time management importance
Time management count one of the most effective skills. Effective time management gives you extra time to use in your life. You can spent your time with your family or your children. You can learn many new things and new skills, employee can get promotions and salary hike and Students can achieve high marks in their exams. Always keep hungry to learn new skill or gain knowledge by utilizing your time effectively.
I can understand that there is hard thing to manage our time and make extra time in this busy life but I am sharing here best time management tips for all of you which will be very beneficial for your life.
There are three time management tips
1. Take one action a day towards achieving your long term goals
Every people have dreams and long term goals in their life and also they want to achieve their goals but everybody do not work towards their goals. They don’t give their level best to achieve goals. Always work towards your vision.
We have to take one action daily to achieve our long term goals then we can achieve our goals easily, not easily but in early age we can achieve. There are three steps to achieve goals that’s first is think, second is write and third is action. Take action is very important to achieve our goals.
“A time comes when you need to stop waiting for the man you want to become and start being the main you want to be.” – Bruce Springsteen

2. Start your day with an action plan
Always start your day with an action. You just need wake up early in the morning. You can choose best time between 4 AM to 5:30 AM. If you start your day early then you have more time compare to average people those wake up after sun rising.
You can start your day with an action like Exercise, Yoga, Meditation, Reading etc. because if you start your day with these things then you will be more energetic in whole day. Exercise and Yoga improve our health and keep away from disease, Mediation Improve our concentration power so we can more focus on our work and goals, reading improve our brain memory and it also make knowledgeable.
“Time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it, and spend it rather than invest it.” – Jim Rohn

3. Invest time in learning to use helpful technology
Always make investment of their time because time is very precious. It’s never come. Self investment is a best ever investment. If you invest your time in yourself then you will definitely gain power and knowledge and it’s also improve your success rate.
You can invest your time to learn new skills, learn new technologies and learn a new creativity. If you learn new skill then it’s make ourselves smarter compare to other people, like if we know more than two language then we have more confidence and knowledge in front of other people. So always use your precious time to learn new things it’s make you smarter.
“Never stop learning. If you learn one new thing everyday, you will overcome 99% of your competition.” – Joe Carlozo

Pareto Principle- 80/20 Rule
Pareto principle is best tip for time management. Pareto principle also known as 80/20 rule. This mean 80 percents results come from 20 percents efforts. Our 80 percents productivity comes by 20 percents time. You need to know your 20 percents useful time to produce 80 percents results.
How to Boost Your Memory fast- 5 Smart Exercises
We have to make To-Do List daily for time management. To-Do List define our daily work and it make realize to us that what is important today. In our to do list first we need to focus on MIT, It means Most Important Task. We need to keep three MIT in our To Do List.
We have many work in our to do list. We can divide our to do list. First three Important and useful work. Second three Important but not useful. Rest three Useful but not important. If we work on this important thing then we can improve our time management. If you find on google, there are many best time management apps.
I hope this post will be very helpful for effective time management. If you have any suggestions or queries