Top 11 Niche To Start A Profitable Blog

So you are thinking about starting a new blog but still confused about the best niche to start your blog.

First of all, I want to congratulate you to take a freedom life decision. 

Well choosing the right niche for your blog makes more sense than ever. Right perfect means niche that helps you in getting rank as well in making more money. ( A blog that does not make money, useless). So here, we will see the best niche blogging 2022.

In this article, we will explain how to choose the Best Niche To Start A New Blog.

Before we going to dive into it let me summarise what is a blog.

A blog is a type of website that is regularly updated with a new piece of content that we called blog posts. The early days of blogging were focused on personal interest and diary, but these days blogs are highly targeted with niche to eventually make more money from it.

So How to start a blog.

To start a profitable blog you need three important things.
1. Domain name
2. Web hosting
3. Blogging platform

You can buy a domain name from many domain registrars but we will recommend some of these.

Check Out Cheap Domain Names Here

You can get a domain name starting from 10 to 15 dollars.

The second thing we need to start a blog is web hosting. Web hosting will cost you around 10 to 15 dollars every month to start a blog. But you can check out this guide to Getting Cheap Web Hosting For Website. or you can go with WordPress recommended cheap web hosting

Our third important point is the best blogging platform. Well, there are lots of blogging platforms available now but for blogging, we will recommend one and only that is WordPress.

WordPress gives you more handle on plugins, customized themes, and more hand on to control the managed blog easily.

Can You Really Make Money With Blogging?

Well, I think that you already know about it. Many blog owners make a six-figure income from blogging itself.

Making money from a blog is not rocket science and we call it monetizing. Here are some of the best methods to make money from your blog.

Advertising: You can use Google AdSense for many AdSense alternatives to make money from advertising. Google AdSense is the almost first choice of all bloggers.

Affiliate Marketing: The second and most profitable method of making money from your blog is affiliate marketing. By recommending products on your blog or selling them through digital platforms call affiliate marketing. Almost every successful blogger use affiliate marketing as one of the best source of income for the blog.

Sponsorship: Once a blog is well settled in a specific niche, it gets many queries regarding sponsor articles. Just by putting those articles on your blog, you get a decent amount from the sponsored.

Services: Once you start getting traffic on your blog you can sell your services through your blog. You can offer your best service to your blog readers. Selling from your skills to offering an online course.

So now after reading and consuming this content, you are ready to know which is the best profitable niche to start a blog. In this list, we have added the best niche for blogging ideas with low competition.

If you already have an idea about your next blog which you are going to make or if you are looking for a fresh new idea the below list will help you in deciding which one is best for you.

  • Personal Finance
  • Health and Fitness
  • Fashion
  • Lifestyle
  • Business and Marketing
  • Technology and Gaming
  • Travel
  • Crafts Blog
  • DIY Blog
  • Parenting Blog
  • Educational Blog
  • Food Blog

1. Personal Finance:

When things go around money they become more expensive and profitable and that is also applicable with blogging.

If you start a blog around personal finance you will get more exposure than ever.

In this niche, you help people in saving money, become more financially independent and finally, you are fulfilling their dreams.

So if you are one of those guys who have knowledge about personal finance then you must go with this niche.

You can monetize personal finance with advertising, sponsored articles, and affiliate products as well.

In this, you can write about budgeting, saving money, software that helps in budgeting.

2. Health & Fitness:

This is a very broad and big niche and if you are doing blogging in this niche you will definitely find a user base for you.

It is a lucrative niche which means there are a ton of blogs that will be competing with you.

But you do need to worry about this because this niche has a high conversion rate as well as high CPC.

So if you are going to place Google ads or affiliate marketing through health etc you will get a good return.

We can divide the health and fitness niches into some micro-niches as well.


  • A particular diet
  • A particular type of exercise
  • A specific audience

3. Fashion:

The third more popular blogging niche is fashion. By making a website about fashion you can make a lot of money by promoting fashion-related products

This type of niche is well suited if you are a photographer or you like photography because to succeed in this need you need to post on Instagram or such photographic-related social media sites to gain more exposure to your blog.

If you want to remain anonymous, or if you hate being photographed, then this type of fashion blogging probably isn’t for you.

Don’t think that fashion is only related to women. You can find there are lots of bloggers who are posting about men’s fashion.

4. Business or Marketing:

If you are working in any marketing-related company or you have an interest in business or marketing then this niche is the best fit for you.

To get some idea about business or marketing blogs you can visit some high traffic marketing blogs that are teaching about business or marketing to their audience.

By visit on such blogs that are in your interest, you can find how they monetize their traffic to make lots of money with it.

Depending on your expertise and interests, you might choose to blog about:

  • B2B (business-to-business) marketing
  • B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing
  • Entrepreneurship: starting and growing companies
  • Small businesses: more and more people are moving into self-employment, so this is a great area to target.

5. Technology:

If you are really interested in the latest tech, gadgets that are on the market, then you can start a technology-related blog and you can make money by affiliate marketing or AdSense.

In this niche you can write about the latest gadgets released by companies, you can review the latest gadgets, and so on.

You can write about new mobile phones, smartphones, smartphones under or earphones, headphones, and lots of categories you can choose to make a tech-related micro-niche blog.

In this niche, you can make money through affiliate marketing, Google AdSense, and sponsored posts as well.

6. Travel:

Again this is one of the most popular blogging niches you can start. It is popular among bloggers and as well in readers.

you can succeed in a travel Blog by connecting to travel-related sites hotels or hotel booking sites.

By reviewing locations, hotels, booking companies you can make a decent amount of income through a traveling-related blog.

Blogging about your own travels could be monetized through affiliate links to hotels, recommended travel buys, and so on. It might even give you opportunities for free vacations.

7. Parenting:

Do you have kids, or are any kids in your family and you care for him. You can start a parenting blog.

You can write about the best food for baby, best toddlers for baby, best oil and there are lots of other points to start a parenting blog.

Do not think that this niche is full of mom blogs and where I will stand.

You will stand out if you start with a different angle for your parenting blog.

There are thousands of blogs out there about parenting, covering all sorts of different angles. So you can take out them and research what best you can offer to your users.

8. Crafts Blog:

If you love crafting things, why not start a blog around it. There is a lot of scope of growth as well as income in a craft blog.

As with other highly visual niches, like fashion, lifestyle, and travel, you’ll need to be able to include great photos. You could monetize by using affiliate links to any crafting tools and supplies that you want to promote.

9. DIY Blog:

Diy or “how-to” blogs are very well-growing blogs there. You can help your users in guiding by step by step processes of anything.

This blog niche has a high growth channel with Adsense monetization as well as sponsor content as well.

Also, you can start this blog with any of the subcategories available there.

10. Educational blog:

Is there any subject or topic in which you are a master? Like me, I am a digital marketing expert who helps many companies in growing their business.

So if you are a master in any subject, you can start an educational blog as well.

To monetize your educational blog, you can start email marketing so that at the end of the day, you can sell your course to your readers.

Also, you can earn with AdSense monetization as well.

Sites that teach people how to do something can almost always be monetized through selling ebooks, online courses, or other information products.

11. Food Blog:

You are a foodie and love exploring new dishes, you can start a profitable blog around the food niche.

In this blog niche, you can teach various dishes to your readers.

Again, it helps to have an angle or specific area that your blog focuses on within the broader niche. Perhaps you’ll be writing about quick and easy meals that taste great or about gluten-free or dairy-free recipes.

You can monetize your blog food Blog via affiliate links, selling ebooks and courses.

So the list is over now. as you see we have added some niches that are profitable with low competition.

We will try to add a more possible micro-niche to start a profitable blog.

Now it’s your turn. It depends on you that you search for the best niche that suits you or start a blog today and make a decent amount after 5-6 months from it.

The decision is on you.

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