Best Adsense Alternative: Top Adsense Alternative to make money In 2022

When we start our blogging carrier, We use different methods to monetize our blog. Adsense is almost no 1 ad network but there are many best Adsense alternatives that are there to try.

Every blogger started blogging with a simple motive and that is to make money online. In this process of our monetization, we need different methods so we can easily monetize our work.

After doing SEO, writing good articles, and building a website that cost web hosting as well, we expect that now we will make some money. But that’s is not too easy. 

Many of our users say that we do almost everything but we didn’t get Adsense approval, some users complain that they are not getting expected results from Adsense and want to try some Adsense alternatives. 

So in this article, we are going to share the top 5 ad networks that you can use with AdSense and make extra money with your blog easily. These are the best Adsense alternatives that can be used with Adsense and they will perform well as per the niche.

Also Read: Blogspot SEO: How we generate 157347 users in a month

All these AdSense alternatives are used by me and proven, so you can easily use them to monetize your blog.

Top best Adsense alternatives to using with Google Adsense:


#. Adsense:

Best Adsense Alternative: Top Adsense Alternative to make money In 2022 2
Google Adsense


One of the best ad network which every blogger use with his website. Every new blogger random thinks about google Adsense. Of course when I start blogging it is the only method through which I can make money. Adsense has many types of ads you can use with your blog or Website. But in this article, we are going to discuss that adnetwork that we will use with Adsense. 

Also Read: Google Rank checker

Note: if you are not using AdSense then try to optimize your website and submit it on the google search console. Copy-pasted website can’t use Google Adsense.

1. Magenet :

Best Adsense Alternative: Top Adsense Alternative to make money In 2022 3
Magenet Ads

This one is the most preferable Adsense alternative which can be used with AdSense. The beauty of this alternative is” These not look like ads”.

I know if you are a new blogger then you are not aware of Magenet adnetwork. It is one of the best ad network and not consume place on your website. You can easily use Google Adsense with it.

On Magenet ad network, they will give you some tasks (Links) and you have to place those links on a particular page on your website. There is no need to click or impression on those links.

If your website has a good rank on google then for every link you can get up to $50 per month or more then it.

Just think about how much you can make with this ad network.

Join Magenet Here.


2. Adnow :

Best Adsense Alternative: Top Adsense Alternative to make money In 2022 4
Adnow Ads


When we talk about the best native ad network, adnow is one of them. With the lowest min payout and best CPC, it’s one of the best ad networks.

Personally, I used Mgid and native ad networks. I found that both of the native ad networks are best.

Adnow works perfectly with every type of blog and website and you can use it with Google Adsense too. Adnow has many types of ads format. If you have a website with adult content then also you can use adnow adnetwork.

When it’s a time of adnow review or any other ad network review you find it here. The main reason behind it is that we never review fake ad networks.

Join Adnow Here.


3. Propeller Ads:

Best Adsense Alternative: Top Adsense Alternative to make money In 2022 5
Propeller Ads


If you are searching for an ad network where you find all types of ads format, then propeller ads are the best place for you.

At propeller ads, you will find all types of ads format. From native ads to popads, from simple ads to direct links ads, and many more ads options make it a more beautiful option to monetize your website.

Further than this, with propeller ads, you can make extra income by using refer program of propeller ads.

Propeller ads have a min payout of $100 and 5% for every referral you made at propeller ads.

Find interesting, Join Propeller ads Here



Best Adsense Alternative: Top Adsense Alternative to make money In 2022 6


If you are searching for pop Ads then is the best ad network for your website. gives a higher amount in popads industry. is good to use with Google Adsense and you can use it with every type of website. But if you are having a website with movie download or music download option then is the best way to monetize.

As Google Adsense is not allowed to move download websites and music download websites so you can easily start with also has adult ads so if you have an adult website then you can use it with that also.

Join and make money with popads.

Note: Popads is not good by Google SEO point so use it accordingly.


5.Mgid :

Best Adsense Alternative: Top Adsense Alternative to make money In 2022 7
Mgid ads


Mgid is one of the best ads networks in the native advertising industry. You can use Mgid with AdSense. Payout rates at Mgid are good compared to other native ads.

To get Mgid approval you need a good amount of traffic (min 1000+ ). So if you have that much traffic you must apply with Mgid.

I personally used Mgid and get up to $5 on every 1000 visitors on my other blog( movie download related). Of course, movie download blogs can make a good amount of money using Mgid.

If you have a blog of movie downloads then Mgid is better than Popads.

Find interesting, join Mgid ads here.

6. Cuelinks: 

This is not a type of ads network, but yes you can use it to monetize your website. Your website can be of any type, You can use cuelinks network to monetize your website.

There are the various part that makes it a great choice like

  • Not looks like an ad network
  • Min Payout is Rs 500 
  • Monetize every type of website
  • Use it with any ad network

Here are simple steps to go through with Cuelinks.

Join Cuelinks and add your website

adsense alternative

Search for a type of campaign like CPA, CPI, CPL, and get your URL to promote.

also, you can use javascript to convert all outgoing links into affiliate links. 

You can use this ad network on youtube as well. Check out our youtube alternative.

Join Cuelinks Here