How to check SAR (Radiation) value of mobile phone

In today world, where technology reach new peak every day, uses of technology increases. Technology has become our greatest partner. Today, more than 80% of people in the world are using mobile and each country has a growing number.

As it is known that good brings with you some evil. The phone you are using has a radiation scale. That means how radiation is going to leave and this radiation would be very harmful to your health. So it is very important to know the radiation of the phone.

Every smartphone company mention sar value off the smartphone with it box and respective government take legal action against corporations which not following the standards.

As an ideal user you must be aware about your mobile smartphone sar value, because at final question off of your health.

How to check SAR (Radiation) Value of smart phone.

Also check :How to improve battery life of mobile phones.

Steps to check SAR (Radiation) value of mobile phones:

Method 1:-

1. Open your mobile keyboard and dial used code :- *#07#

2. It will show a radiation value of your smart phone. If this value is more then 1.6 watts per kilogram then it will be harmful for your health. So change your smartphone.

3. If the SAR value is less then or equal to 1.6 watts per kilogram then it’s ok.

Method 2:

If method 1 is not work in your mobile phone then you can check SAR value at official website of perticular brand website.

Method 3:

Open your phone settings >> general or about section. Here you will find SAR value of smart phone.

Method 4:

You can check SAR value of smartphone at this website. Click here and enter your device name and model and it will show you SAR value of your smart phone.

Well these are enough methods to check s a r value of any smartphone if you know any further method please do comment in the comment box and we will mention it here.

But, the question is do you know what is the radiation.

if yes then this is well but if no then read below what is the relation.

What is radiation:

Radiation is very powerful and dangerous rays that are out from some substantes. You can not feel or see radiation but it can harm you.

So as of now, we have discussed 4 methods to check your smart phone radiation. If you have any other method please do comment and lets us know.If this article was helpful for you please do share on Facebook and WhatsApp with your friends.