Best Blog Plugin For WordPress: Only 3 Plugins You Need

Blogging is one of the best industries to work, especially for those who want to be there own boss. As it gives you full freedom to work, place, and time. In the blogging industry, you can work at any time. There is no one at your top chair so no need to report anyone about daily work. Well, here we will explore best blog plugin for WordPress.

In the blogging journey, we almost try WordPress and blogger. Both are good as they have there own pros and cons. In WordPress you get many more tools, plugins to improve in the blog but in Blogspot, they have limited so low chances of growing. IF you are still using blogger, read out our guide to Blogspot SEO.

If you are new and want to start with WordPress, you can start here.

Well, here we will discuss best essential WordPress plugins. By means of essential here we will discuss plugin for Design, SEO, Speed, and Google recommendation( AMP).

Top Best Blog WordPress Plugins:

1. Rank Math SEO WordPress Plugin:

Rank math seo

You may try many good plugins. But Rank Math is one of the essential WordPress plugins for your blog SEO.  Rank math supports almost all premium WordPress themes.

Rank Maths offers various premium features for free like:

1. 404 Monitor: Broken links are very bad for SEO. if your blog has broken link then they must be removed. To analyze broken links Rank Math has 404 monitors. So no need to install another WordPress plugin for a broken link check.

2. SEO For AMP: AMP is a very important project of google. It helps you rank higher in google. Rank Math offers SEO for AMP. It helps your blog to rank higher in terms of SERP.

3. Image SEO: Image SEO is also very important. We very well know that no of images played a good role in ranking on SERP. Chances of a rich media blog are higher than low media blog. Rank Math supports Image SEO. It will automatically ads alt text in images ( Very important for image SEO).

4. Link Counter: Number of internal links are played a good role in ranking. Some external links are also important. Rank maths supports both types of link for your blog.

You can read all features here.

2. AMP Plugin For WordPress:

AMP plays a great role in website ranking.

Here is a screenshot.

amp for seo

You can see google give priority to AMP pages than other pages. So a better AMP plugin is very necessary for your WordPress website. So AMP For WP is a perfect plugin for this task. As it is also supporting Rank Math SEO.

3. WordPress Plugin For Website Speed:

Speed is very essential thing when it comes to SEO. A poor speed website lose it ranking in SERP. So a plugin for a better website speed is very necessary.

Few things to be considered for speed:

  1. Better hosting provider
  2. Use high-quality low size images
  3. Only use limited numbers of plugins
  4. Don’t use unnecessary scripts
  5. Try to use better monetization options
  6. Choose a well-coded WordPress theme

WP Rocket: 

Wp rocket for speed

To speed up your WordPress website, you must use WP Rocket WordPress plugin. It is one of the best cache plugins for the WordPress website. This WordPress plugin automatically creates a cache for your website pages.

WP Rocket also includes other important features that you can turn on to further improve performance. This includes lazy loading images(Must on it), CDN support, DNS pre-fetching, minification, and more.

Now it’s your turn, Comment below and share plugins that are very essential in terms of growth of the blog.