How To Buy A Domain Name Anonymously

Looking to buy a domain name anonymously. Well, now it’s possible that anyone can buy a domain name Anonymously. In this article, we are going to share the best Domain names and hosting service providers where you can buy a domain name without showing your personal information.

With a normal website hosting or domain name service provider, you can buy a domain and hide your information on whois, but if someone wants to see your information he can go through many possible ways to get your information out like with court orders.

You get this “WHOIS ” privacy protection service with all domain service providers but as we discussed it get failed at a level.

So in this article, we are going to share one of the offshore domain service providers so that your public information will be safe. Apart from this, we will share some basic hacks so that if anyone wants to access your information, he will get fake details.

Don’t worry, if you are new, we are going to share from very basic so that you can easily adapt our techniques to get a private, secure, and purely Anonymous domain.

Apart from domain name service providers, we are going to share a basic dictionary for terms we will use in this post so that you will not get confused between terms.

To maintain our privacy, we need to understand some important things, How companies will get to know who buys this domain name. Because of our email address and credit card details. These 2 things (email id, Credit card details) no one can’t use without our permission.

So we have to hide these two things when we will buy a domain name. And this we will do with these 2 steps.

  1. We will use the Proton Mail eMail service
  2. Crypto to make payments

What Is Proton Mail: An email service provider that does not take our mobile numbers or any other information. You can get here about how you can create Proton mail.

CryptoCurrency: If we will make payment through crypto, there is no way to identify our information.

So let’s start, with How To Buy A Domain Name Anonymously

How To Buy A Domain Name Anonymously:

To buy a domain name anonymously, We will register an account at Namecheap. Namecheap accepts payment via Bitcoin(cryptocurrency) so our full information will be hidden.

Why Namecheap For Domain And Hosting Service: 

NameCheap is one of the best companies as per Trustpilot, They are getting a 4.8-star rating from Trustpilot users. Also, they accept bitcoin as a payment option. So that we are sharing Namecheap web hosting as an Anonymus domain provider.

Note: If you are looking for a hosting plan as well, then please click this link and get a Free Anonymously domain name and less fee on crypto payments.

bitcoin accept proof

So let’s start with how to register a domain name anonymously with Namecheap.

At first, keep ready your protonmail email id, and a bitcoin wallet (You can create a bitcoin wallet here).

Now visit Namecheap here.

Search your favorite domain name here. Once you find your domain name available, proceed further.

search domain name


Click on the “Add to cart” button.

add to cart


Now we need to create an account on Namecheap.

Don’t use any of your personal information here, use something new here.

How To Buy A Domain Name Anonymously 1


In the next steps, it will ask for further details, Like

  • Company name
  • Mobile Number
  • Address
  • Zip Code
  • Country
  • City

Fill in any random details here to keep your privacy secret. They will not verify these details.

Note: It totally depends on you what information you want to share with the public or Govt Authorities.

In the next steps, you may be confused as there are many payment options available. To make a payment, First, add funds to your wallet by clicking on this link as shown in the screenshot.

Buy A Domain Name Anonymously
Buy A Domain Name Anonymously

Now add funds in your wallet using your crypto wallet and boom, your Anonymous domain name is created. Use this domain for any purpose you want. As you have a domain name at NameCheap, we will recommend that you purchase web hosting also on NameCheap so that there will no technical support will be required to connect your domain to web hosting.

You can also check other web hosting plans as well.

If you looking for Anonymous web hosting, we have a detailed article on it.

On NameCheap, Domain privacy is topmost, Readout their article.

FAQS On Anonymously Domain Name:

1. Why We Need Anonymous Domain Name:

There are many reasons why someone needs an Anonymous domain name, some are:

  1. Hide his information
  2. Involved in activities that govt not allowed.
  3. To keep himself secure and safe

2. How To Get Free Domain Name:

Even many websites offer free domain names, We have also shared that if you buy web hosting with Namecheap you will get a Free Domain name. But, if you go with other free domain name service providers, you will face many issues like you will have no control on that domain name.

So go with NameCheap web hosting and get a domain name for free.

3. Can I Get Anonymous Web Hosting:

Yes, You can host and get an Anonymous web hosting, we have a detailed article on it, Check out it here.

Apart from those options, you can check out Namecheap so that you can get a free domain for your web hosting needs.


As we get through the whole article, we got that we can get a domain name Anonymously and with NameCheap hosting plan, we can get a Free Anonymous domain name.

To get an Anonymous domain name, we need two important things and they are

  1. Protonmail
  2. Crypto Wallet

By following this article, you will get the highest degree of Anonymity.

So, if you find our work helpful, please do share it with your friends, bookmark this web page for further help.
Well, We have tried our best to share the best way to register a domain name anonymously, but there is always space for improvement. If you have any suggestions or questions, please share them in the comment box, It will help us improve the article for other users.